Hadas Webb is currently the Deputy Director of Browning the Green Space, a nonprofit that, “was born from the realization that people of color often receive more than their fair share of ‘environmental bads’ like brownfields, pollution, and asthma while they receive less than their fair share of ‘environmental goods’ like cleantech jobs in energy efficiency, renewable energy, water, wasted food, and urban farming. The BGS Initiative operates at the intersection of environmental justice, economic justice, and social justice.”
However, that hasn’t always been the sector Hadas worked in. She began in construction and building automation. From there, she made her way into smart buildings and energy analytics, where she worked for 15 years before transitioning to her current role. Among other organizations and her own self-led learning, she partially credits CWEEL with exposing her to the work of lifting up the voices of underrepresented peoples.
Of CWEEL, she said that she appreciates the opportunities for participation and leadership. This makes sense as Hadas is no stranger to either! A few years ago, along with Andrea Moshier, led the effort to create a CWEEL New England group. She also mentors another CWEEL member through the mentorship program, and serves as a Board Chair heading the US Membership Committee.
In Her Own Words
Do you have any other thoughts on the CWEEL community you would like to share?
All of the CWEEL members I've met have been dedicated to actively advancing the participation and recognition of women within AEE and the energy sector in general. I've found that collective passion and bias for action inspiring.
What is something unique that can not be known about you from your resume?
In addition to my commitment to advancing DEI within the energy sector, I've been working to educate myself on ethics and equity within other technical fields, such as artificial intelligence.
Do you have a quote that has inspired you?
During my period of job-searching, I read the following quote by Henry David Thoreau in a sci-fi book and it inspired me to keep searching for my dream job: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!"
What is the best advice you received as a woman in energy?
A past mentor was providing some guidance on public speaking and her advice that stayed with me and that I have shared with others is to practice the first five minutes of the presentation until I have it nailed. Having the confidence to breeze through the start of a presentation will make the rest of it so much easier.