Hadas Webb
CWEEL | U.S. Membership Committee Chair
Browning the Green Space | Deputy Director
Hadas Webb serves as Deputy Director at Browning the Green Space, a New England nonprofit working to advance DEI within clean energy, where she leads the small business initiatives focused on enabling entrepreneurs in underrepresented groups to gain access to resources and enhancing opportunities for underrepresented groups as clean energy contractors.
Previously, as Managing Director of Analytics for Cimetrics, her responsibilities included stakeholder engagement, process improvement, innovation, and team leadership. Formerly, as a Senior Analyst, Ms. Webb was directly responsible for energy analysis of over 8 million square feet of facilities throughout the United States. Prior to joining Cimetrics, Ms. Webb worked as a Building Automation Construction Manager at Partners Healthcare, where she was responsible for managing control system projects and developing a building automation master plan for Massachusetts General Hospital.
Ms. Webb stood up the New England CWEEL group in Spring 2021 and served as the AEE New England CWEEL officer in 2021-2022. Ms. Webb received a B.S. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an M.S. from Carnegie Mellon University, both in Mechanical Engineering, and is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM).