How to get recruited on Linkedin – New England Chapter Webinar
On July 28th, the New England CWEEL chapter hosted a virtual lunch get together. Our guest speaker was Brendan Anderson, founder of Climate People. Brendan is an experienced recruiter and founder of Climate People, a ClimateTech Recruitment firm in Boston, MA. He has over 20 years of agency recruiting experience and is passionate about helping people transition their careers into climate tech and sustainability.
The presentation titled, “How to Get Recruited on Linked In,” offered excellent tips and strategies for those looking for new opportunities and those looking to make the best use of Linked In in current roles. Additionally, Brendan demonstrated how recruiters search Linked In to illustrate his advice in action. Brendan’s advice centers around providing more information and integrating the right keywords to make your profile more searchable. Participants left the session energized to build a great profile and optimize the skills tags on their profiles. You can learn more about this session here: